Here are the five top 3 lists I'll be doing:
- Most Disappointing purchase
- Ugliest and prettiest
- most unique
- most unfinished
- flat out worst
- Prey
- Virtua Fighter 5
- Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
- Halo Reach
- Forza Motorsport 2
- Turok
- Stoked: Big Air Edition
- Halo 4
- Golden Axe: Beast Rider
- Prince of Persia
- Harms way
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
- Happy Wars
- Rogue Warrior
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Enchanted Arms
- Alone in the Dark
- Hexic HD
- Fatal Inertia
- Pure
- SEGA Superstars Tennis
- Devil May Cry 4
- Kameo: Elements of Power
- Tomb Raider: Underworld
- Mirror's Edge
- Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
- Doritos Crash Course 2
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Lost Planet: Colonies Edition
- Borderlands
- L.A. Noire
- Batman: Arkham City
- Rainbow Six: Vegas
- Assassin's Creed 2
- Project Gotham Racing 3
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Far Cry Instincts Predator
- Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
- Gears of War 2
- Perfect Dark: Zero
- Far Cry 2
- Call of Duty 3
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Call of Duty: World at war
- Soldier of Fortune: Payback
- Burnout: Paradise
- Sleeping Dogs
- Left 4 Dead
- F.E.A.R. Files